Ireland, Music, Dance & Stories

This unique Irish music and dance show is based on true stories and events from the artists’ lives and their own personal experiences. The modern Scéalaithe take their audience through Ireland and the world paired with Irish songs and fast-paced Irish step dancing.

Tour Dates

What is Scéalta?

A gaelic word with a rich history.

As early as a thousand years ago, the scéalaithe – the storytellers – would enchant their audience with Irish myths and legends. They travelled throughout the land and collected stories of adventures, but also things of general interest and importance to share them with the people they would meet along the way. Even today – centuries later – the art of storytelling is still of great importance.


The Cast

Patrizia Sieweck

The fiddler of the sea

Danny O'Connor

The surfing guitarist

Gyula Glaser

The feet magician

Nicole Ohnesorge

The flying traveller